Artist Edition - ARKET
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DESIGN ARKET Artist Edition invites selected creators to contribute directly to ARKET’s collections.

The program offers a new space for illustrators to explore their respective themes, and has been initiated to create a diversity of aesthetic expressions in children’s wear. The featured artists and works all share a common sense of playfulness and free imagination, and provide vivid, fantastic worlds that inspire new perspectives.

JR–WORK–SHOP The joy of problem solving

This winter, we are invited to discover the playful world of Sofia Ekvall and Mats Johansson, the creative minds behind Stockholm-based design studio and toy brand JR-Work-Shop, whose geometric illustrations are featured in the latest ARKET Artist Edition.

Archive Artists

Christina Moreland

Nina Chakrabarti

Jana Glatt
Eva Stalinski
Lea Maupetit

Marion Deuchars

Takashi Tsushima
Amelie Fontaine

explore ARKET


The grid is an essential element of our visual identity. It represents the notion of the archive and is used to organise and display information ranging from the names of plants to fabric weights and different types of materials used in our collections. These nine squares symbolise the separate parts that together form our world, and they are also the areas where we strive to make a difference.

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Selected reading

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Olivia Lonsdale on the joys of going smaller

In both work and life, Amsterdam-based filmmaker and actress Olivia Lonsdale finds pleasure in the art of limits, favouring reflection and pause before capturing the perfect shot.

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A reflection on blue

It’s a paradox, blue. Often cited as the world’s most popular colour, it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Abundance and rarity, both everyday and exception.

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Herby sandwich with Gotland lentils and tomato

Combining earthy Gotland lentils with creamy herb mayo, beef tomatoes, and crisp lettuce, this sandwich is perfect for a light lunch or to share with friends. A final drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper bring everything together.

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Josephine Philips on resisting throwaway culture with purpose

Meet the 27-year old founder of SOJO, who is on a mission to revolutionise clothing repairs and redefine how young people connect with their wardrobes.