Finding peace in the city with Johanna Ljunggren - ARKET
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with Johanna Ljunggren

Balance Dedicating time to relax, unwind and find your centre is tricky when you are on a busy schedule. Swedish wellness entrepreneur Johanna Ljunggren lives in Stockholm and turns to yoga to help find her creative flow.

‘Although I long for a quiet life in the country from time to time, the city is my home now, and this is where I need to find my daily rest. Juggling between work, family, time for oneself is not always easy. But to me, balance is not constant, just as life never stands still. Sometimes you need to lose your balance to grow and your way back. It’s not something negative – it is how you learn to be more you.’

‘If you’ve chosen to live in the city, there will always be distractions, but you can use the situations you can’t influence to find a moment of peace. If you get stuck in traffic, pause and find your breath. It’s better to arrive calm and late than worked-up and late.’

‘Yoga has taught me to connect to my breath and my body, something so essential and yet so easy to forget in the midst of stress. When I move consciously with my body through the practice, my creative mind is restored to a neutral form and then rekindled, so that it can flow freely again.’

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