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At ARKET, we believe in perfect fits and lasting quality

We’ve partnered with SOJO’s expert tailors to repair, tailor, or alter your ARKET items. Book online or in-store, and enjoy doorstep delivery of your fixed garments. Repairs are available at our Regent Street and Covent Garden stores, while the online service is offered UK-wide.

How it works

Book your service online or in-store

Book online through SOJO’s booking platform or speak to a member of our staff at our Regent Street or Covent Garden store.

SOJO completes your service

Your item will be delivered to SOJO’s East London tailoring centre where a team of expert tailors will complete your service.

Receive your item

Your completed item will be delivered directly to your door or to the store for collection.


At ARKET, we aim to create considered designs that are cherished for years. The collaboration with SOJO helps us encourage our customers to invest in the pieces they already own and love.
SOJO is a tailoring and repairs provider that makes fitting and fixing your clothes as seamless as possible. Simply book online or in-store with a retail assistant.
SOJO is an end-to-end service that makes clothing repair and alterations easy. Once you booked your service, online, or with the help of our staff at our Regent Street or Covent Garden stores, SOJO will complete your order in their East London tailoring centre. SOJO will answer any queries you have, conduct thorough quality assessments, and deliver your item back to you–keeping you updated at every step of the journey.

SOJO is a UK nationwide service. Book online from anywhere in the UK or book in-person at our Covent Garden and Regent Street stores.

Our store staff at Regent Street and Covent Garden can assist with repair bookings. For alterations and tailoring, please use the online service.

SOJO can repair and alters most clothing items. Want to check if your item can be worked on? See SOJO’s list of item categories here [link TBC] or ask one of our retail assistants in-store.

SOJO’s services are not currently available for bags, shoes, and accessories.

SOJO has made booking an alteration or repair as simple as possible.

For online orders, their online booking flow will clearly walk you through the different service options for your item.

When booking in-store, a member of the ARKET team will walk you through the available options for your item.

The majority of SOJO’s services are between £10 and £40. When booking, SOJO will give you an immediate quote based on your exact item type and service.

For orders booked online, your order will be delivered back to you within 5 working days.

For orders booked in-store your item will be delivered back to you within 3 working days.

Need your item back in a hurry? SOJO has an express turnaround option to get your item back to you sooner.

To send your items to SOJO from anywhere in the UK, simply package your item in a mailer, bag, box or any other safe and secure packaging materials.
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