Evelina Kroon – Finding comfort in straight lines - ARKET
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with Evelina Kroon

Stockholm-based artist Evelina Kroon builds beautiful, repetitive graphic compositions and unexpected colour combinations using a special method involving tape, paint and lacquer. Her new collection with ARKET features a series of colourful plaids produced by Swedish woollen mill Klippan, bringing some welcome warmth and creative energy into our homes as we move into the autumn and winter months.

 Evelina Kroon Wool Blanket
Product Evelina Kroon Wool Blanket
€ 99  € 58 
Previous markdown: € 49 


 Evelina Kroon Wool Blanket
Product Evelina Kroon Wool Blanket
€ 99 


 Evelina Kroon Wool Blanket
Product Evelina Kroon Wool Blanket
€ 99  € 59 



Working within the fields of painting, interiors and colouration, Evelina Kroon has created a dynamic space of her own between the fine and decorative arts. Influenced by nature and her close surroundings as well by human interactions, Kroon’s works echo both historic and contemporary women’s arts and crafts.

‘As a mother of little children, most of my inspiration currently comes from the smaller life. It’s the things I see on the daily walks in my neighbourhood: the meeting spot at the local square, a trash can in front of a sun-drenched facade, and conversations with my 3-year-old about the meaning of beauty,’ says Evelina Kroon.

Renowned for her simplistic but powerful ‘tape paintings’, Kroon’s work is signified by repetitive graphic compositions and unexpected colour combinations.

‘Colour is mood, memories, politics, perception, seasons and symbolism. It’s everything we see. For me, personally, colour also means joy.’

Evelina kroon Artist

She uses a special method which involves applying tape, paint and lacquer in multiple layers, producing straight lines in unique patterns and shapes. The method is always the same and helps her ‘getting started’ with new projects, something which, she says, used to be a bit of a problem.

‘Straight lines give me structure. Since my process is very open and intuitive, symmetry gives me a sense of control, and the grid is something to hold on to. It makes me feel safe.

I rarely have a clear image of what I want to make but let impulse and sudden inspiration decide where I’m going. I don’t really choose; I just feel when the composition is finished.

I want to avoid the predictable and prefer to include something that feels a bit off. What I always aim for is balance, between light and dark, the cheerful and the obscure, which I try to achieve through a combination of different shapes, colours and gradations.’

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