Food|February 2025
A summertime favourite salad starring sweet tomatoes, a hearty hummus base, tahini-flavoured legumes and roasted bell peppers. Try it at home or enjoy it on a casual picnic with family and friends.
200g hummus (use your favourite recipe or try ARKET’s yellow pea hummus)
125g vegan mayonnaise
250g salad mix (romaine and rocket)
425g mixed heirloom tomatoes
1 cucumber
3 roasted red bell peppers (with juice)
250g cooked/canned legumes mix (use your favourite beans/lentils)
45g pickled red onion
3tbsp capers
1 bunch of parsley leaves, chopped
1tbsp tahini
1–2tbsp Japanese soy sauce/gluten-free soy sauce
1tbsp Dijon mustard
2tbsp apple cider vinegar
50ml olive oil
Croutons from 3 bread slices (optional)
Basil leaves for garnish
Lemon zest
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 170°C. Cut the bell peppers in half and remove the green top, white membrane and seeds. Cut the peppers into chunky bite-sized pieces. Transfer to a tray and sprinkle some salt, black pepper and olive oil (you can also use garlic-flavoured oil). Roast in the oven at 170°C for 20–30 mins until tender with a bit of colour. Let it cool on the tray.
Prepare the legumes dressing by mixing 125g vegan mayonnaise with 1tbsp tahini and 1-2tbsp soy sauce. Add chopped parsley leaves and black pepper to taste. The dressing should be creamy but runny enough to easily mix with the legumes – if needed, thin out with water to get the right texture. Using a spoon, gently combine the dressing with your choice of cooked/canned legumes (250g) and set aside. If you have any dressing over, you can store it in the fridge for about 1 week.
For the tomato dressing, cut 125g tomatoes into quarters and mix them in a blender with 1tbsp Dijon mustard and 2tbsp apple cider vinegar until completely pureed. Continue blending while slowly adding 50ml olive oil and a pinch of salt until emulsified. You can store this dressing in the fridge for about 3 days.
Rinse the salad mix, cut romaine into strips, and the remaining tomatoes and cucumber into chunks. In a bowl, spread the hummus to create a hearty base. Assemble the dish by adding the salad mix, tahini legumes, chopped vegetables, pickled onion and croutons. Top with capers, basil leaves and a touch of lemon zest. Finish the creation with a generous drizzle of tomato dressing, freshly ground pepper and a pinch of salt.