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history B-4 Flyers clothing bag

First developed in 1931, the B-4 Flyers Clothing Bag was a sturdy canvas carryall created to keep officers’ uniforms crisp and wrinkle-free in the cramped fuselages of their small aircraft. The olive-drab case, made of heavy-duty duck, could be unzipped, opened up and laid flat for packing.

history B-4 flyers clothing bag

history B-4 Flyers clothing bag

First developed in 1931, the B-4 Flyers Clothing Bag was a sturdy canvas carryall created to keep officers’ uniforms crisp and wrinkle-free in the cramped fuselages of their small aircraft. The olive-drab case, made of heavy-duty duck, could be unzipped, opened up and laid flat for packing.

The olive-drab case, made of heavy-duty duck, could be unzipped, opened up and laid flat for packing. It had hangers, a snap partition for shoes, external pockets secured by big zips, and stiffeners on the top and bottom to hold its shape.

The U.S. army – which has always supplied its enlists with special containers, bag and kits for almost every purpose – first developed the bag in 1931. But it underwent many iterations before it became the sturdy, virtually waterproof B-4 bag that was adopted by U.S. pilots. It is still in use today, but the modern version is produced using nylon.